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Diet and Dosha

Diet and Dosha


Vatas are prone to being more ethereal, agitated, and mentally busy. They tend to have joints that crack and speak rapidly. Thoughts, emotions, prana flows, nerve impulses, and bodily fluids are all influenced by vata.

Cold, light, dry, uneven, rough, swift, moving, and always changing. Vata is responsible for controlling bodily motion, nervous system functions, and the elimination process. Vata has an impact on the other doshas. Vatas have active, inventive brains and a tendency to be constantly on the go. Vatas are lively and joyful when they are in balance.

Weight loss, constipation, arthritis, weakness, restlessness, and aches and pains are common among Vata people when Vata is out of balance.

Diet and Dosha

PITTA QUALITIES (Fire & Little Water)

Compared to other varieties, Pittas really have more fire. Both their digestion and appetite are improved. Because they have a hotter disposition, they can handle the cold better. Pittas generally tolerate a wide variety of foods thanks to their robust and effective digestion. Overeating, excessive usage of sour and spicy foods, and excessive salt consumption are the main causes of Pittas' problems.

Hot, aromatic, and acidic foods increase Pitta. The Pitta dosha is in charge of metabolism, energy production, and digestion. Transformation is Pitta's main purpose.

Pitta people have a warm body temperature, excellent digestion, a short burst of sound sleep, lots of energy, and a robust appetite. Pittas may experience skin rashes, burning feelings, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, heartburn, and indigestion when they are out of harmony.

Diet and Dosha


Cold, soft, greasy, substantial, sluggish, steady, and heavy. The body's structure is governed by kapha. It is the underlying principle that keeps cells bound together, creates muscle, fat, and bone, and promotes immunity. Kapha's main job is to provide protection.

Kapha people have a powerful physique, great stamina, and beautiful, radiant skin. They digest food normally and have restful sleep. However, when Kapha builds up excessively, it can cause weight gain, fluid retention, and the emergence of allergies. When out of balance, Kaphas can develop asthma, diabetes, and depression as well as gain weight, sleep too much, and become lethargic.