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PANCHAKARMA, A Practise in Ayurveda



PANCHAKARMA, a practise in Ayurveda, entails five therapies that aid in body detoxification by removing toxins that have accumulated in the body as a result of pollution, improper eating habits, lifestyle choices, and mental stress. In order to keep the three doshas of VATA, PITTA, and KAPHA in balance, panchakarma is also helpful. The type of elimination is chosen by the doctor after he or she evaluates the patient's health and the severity of the sickness.

Therapeutic approaches are categorised in Ayurveda as:
  • Rejuvenation treatment (Rasayana chikitsa)
  • Curative medication (Samana chikitsa)
  • Purificatory therapies (Shodana chikitsa)
  • Aphrodisiac treatment (Vajikarana chikitsa)
  • Surgical intervention (Shastra karma)

The purifying treatments among them are categorised into five groups called Panchakarma. Panchakarma, which essentially means detoxification or elimination of toxins from the body, is the thorough cleansing procedure, unique to Ayurveda, that enables the body to release excess doshas and poisons from its cells and expel them. Although the human body is thought to be a fantastic, wise, and all-natural healing system capable of regenerating itself, the creation of toxins diminishes that natural capacity. Therefore, Panchakarma is essential to this rectification.

90 +

Years Of

panchakarma type


The first stage of the panchakarma regimen consists of Ayurvedic massages, primarily oleation and sudation therapies like Abhyanga, Podikkizhi, Elakkizhi, etc., Snehapana utilising medicated ghee, and various internal herbal remedies. The preparation of the patient for detoxification may take 5 to 7 days, and the doctor determines the type of Panchakarma to be provided based on the patient's ailment or dosha imbalance. Panchakarma comprises:

Panchakarma comprises
  • NASYAM (Nasal medication)
  • VAMANA (Therapeutic emesis)
  • VIRECHANA (Therapeutic purgation)
  • VASTHI (Medicated retention enema)
  • RAKTHAMOKSHAM (Bloodletting through venous and capillary route)

NASYAM (Nasal Medication)

Nasal instillation of herbal extracts, powders, or oils is referred to as NASYAM, and it is used to treat disorders connected to the head and neck by clearing the channels in those areas. Depending on the situation, 2 to 10 drops may be administered. After a mild facial massage and steam inhalation in the morning, it is applied.
The advantages of nasya include:
  • Effective in treating sinusitis, migraines, headaches, spondylitis, nasal polyps, and other conditions
  • Removes excess Kapha dosha that has built up in the head and neck
  • Improves cerebral circulation and rejuvenates the brain tissue

ऊर्ध्व जत्रु विकारेषु विषेशान्नस्यमिष्यते । नासा हि शिरसो द्वारं तेन तद्व्याप्य हन्ति तान् ॥

VAMANA (Therapeutic Emesis)

Therapy Emesis is referred to as VAMANA. After a course of consuming snehapana or ghee, this controlled induction of vomiting is indicated. A 5- to 8-day course might be offered. In addition to a rigorous diet that includes rice soup and rice gruel, no external massages are offered to the patient during the course. In order to activate the Kapha dosha the day before Vamana, the patient is given high-calorie foods.
These are some advantages of Vamana:
  • Helpful for respiratory issues, psoriasis, urticaria, and other skin diseases
  • Removes vitiated Kapha dosha from the body as a whole

कफे विद्यात् वमनं संयोगे वा कफोल्बणे ।

VIRECHANA (Therapeutic Purgation)

Therapeutic purging to treat PITTA and VATA problems in the body is known as VIRECHANA. This detoxification is carried out following appropriate oleation and sudation procedures, which can last anywhere between 7 and 10 days. The process is carried out by ingesting herbal oil or tablets, following which the patient is placed on a specific diet for the remainder of the day.
The advantages of Virechana include:
  • Pitta-dominant organs such as the small intestine, liver, spleen, heart, blood, and skin are purified
  • The colon and genitourinary systems' movements and functions are restored.
  • Morbid Pitta dosha is expelled

कषाय मधुरैः पित्ते विरेकः कटुकैः कफे स्निग्धोष्ण लवणैर्वायौ ।

VASTHI (Medicated Retention Enema)

The term VASTI refers to a medicated enema made using herbal extracts and oils. They are regarded as the KING of Panchakarma techniques and are employed in the treatment of practically all VATA diseases. Following the proper oleation and sudation therapy, the patient is solely given Vasti. The classification is mostly determined by the route of administration, the types of medications utilised, and the quantity of administration.
Administering through: Uttara vasi is the term used when performed through the genito urinary tract, and Adho vasi is used when performed through the anal canal.
Medication types Vasti is categorised as SNEHA VASTI when performed using medicated oil alone and KASHAYA VASTI when performed using decoction mixed with salt, honey, ghee, etc.
Vasti is classed as Yoga, Karma, and Kala if it is administered 8, 15, and 20 times respectively.
The advantages of vasti include:
  • Treats problems that lead to infertility and genitourinary disorders
  • Alleviates digestive system issues such as flatulence, indigestion, and constipation
  • Restores the function of the central nervous system and enteric nervous system.

वातोल्बणेषु दोषेषु वाते वा वस्तिरिष्यते ।

RAKTHAMOKSHAM (Bloodletting Through Venous & Capillary Route)

The term "RAKTHAMOKSHAM" refers to a bloodletting technique that is frequently recommended for people with skin disorders, varicose veins, and other conditions where tainted blood results in redness and agony.
It was formerly done with pots, calabash gourds, cow horns, and leeches known to drain polluted blood. Modern blood removal procedures now involve the use of needles to draw blood from capillaries and veins.

दुष्टरक्तापगमानात् सद्यो रागरुजां शमः ।

The advantages of raktamoksha include:
  • Removes vitiated Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha from the affected areas
  • Purifies blood and soothes skin conditions
  • Restores the function of the liver and spleen
  • Primarily recommended for Pitta disorders

प्रछानम् पिण्डिते वा स्यात् अवगाढे जलौकसः ।
त्वक्स्थे अलाबु घटी शृङ्गं शिरैव व्यापके असृजि ।
वातादिधाम वा शृङ्ग जलौक अलाबुभिः क्रमात् ॥


त्रिविदं कर्म - पूर्व कर्म प्रधान कर्म पश्चात कर्मेति II सु सू ५ -१

These important preparatory procedures have two parts
  • Oelation (snehana) Therapy
  • Fomentation (swedana) Therapy
Administering any of the five purificatory therapies.
  • Emesis Therapy
  • Purgation Therapy
  • Enema Therapy
  • Nasal Therapy
  • Bloodletting
They include follow-up modalaties including diet, medication & lifestyle.